XThe Blog of Seth W. James
My Top Five Cyberpunk Novels List Now Appears on
October 1, 2023
By Seth W. James

To coincide with the launch of Ethos of Cain, I collaborated with the folks at to create a new recommendation list: The best cyberpunk novels that launched and defined the subgenre. If you haven’t been to their site yet, Shepherd is a book recommendation source—with a twist. Rather than aggregating users’ lists, Shepherd collects recommendations from authors: each list includes one recent work by the author and then five works that the author loved or that inspired their work or contributed to a genre, a moment in history, or other interest.
You can find my Shepherd list here:
I chose to focus on the golden-age cyberpunk novels, starting with City Come A-Walkin’ by John Shirley—cyberpunk’s “patient zero,” as William Gibson calls him—and continuing through the subgenre’s first years of existence. These are great books, not only enjoyable and thought-provoking to read, but important to the history of cyberpunk and science fiction, generally.
Shepherd has other cyberpunk-related lists, too, which you can find here: And, of course, lists on any other genre or subject you might want to explore, by authors you know or may discover for the first time.
I hope you enjoy The best cyberpunk novels that launched and defined the subgenre list and Ethos of Cain.
Happy reading!